Linear functions ~ photon

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Thursday, July 11, 2019

Linear functions

Linear functions

The simplest function, which at the same time has extremely important applications, is the polynomial of the first degree.

where a and b are given constant numbers. We shall see that the graph of this function is a straight line. It is called a linear function. We shall first consider the case of b equal to zero. The function then has the form:
This expresses the fact that the variable y is directly proportional to the variable x, the constant coefficient a being called the coefficient of proportionality.
Turning to the figure (Fig. 5), we see that equation (3) expresses the following geometric property of the graph in question: whatever point M we take on it, the ratio of the ordinate y = NM of this point to its abscissa x = ON is equal to the constant a. Since, on the other hand, this ratio is equal to the tangent of the angle a between the segment OM and the axis OX, it is evident that the geometrical locus of M is a straight line, passing through the origin of coordinates O at an angle a( or ) to the axis OX. Angle a is reckoned counter-clockwise from the direction OX. The geometrical importance of the coefficient a in equation (3) is simultaneously revealed: a is the tangent of the angle a between the axis OX and the straight line corresponding to this equation, a being therefore called the slope of the straight line. I t may be noted that if a is a negative number, the angle a is obtuse, and the corresponding line is as shown in Fig.6. Let us now return to the general case of a linear function, viz, to equation (2). The ordinate y of the graph of this equation differs from the corresponding ordinate of the graph of equation (3) by the constant amount a. Thus, we immediately obtain the graph of equation (2), if the graph of equation (3) shown in Fig. 5 (for a > 0) is displaced parallel to the axis OY through a distance b: upwards for b positive, downwards for b negative. We obtain a straight line, parallel to the initial line, and cutting off a segment OM0 = b on the axis OY (Fig. 7).
Thus, the graph of function (2) is a straight line, the coefficient a being equal to the tangent of the angle that the line makes with the axis OX, and the constant term b equal to the segment cut off by the line on the axis OY, measured from the origin 0. Conversely, given any straight line L, not parallel to the axis OY, its equation can easily be written in the form (2). In accordance with the above, it is sufficient to take the coefficient a equal to the tangent of the angle of inclination of this line to the axis OX, and b equal to the segment that it cuts off on the axis OY.

 the source:
By: Fady tarek


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