The law of inverse proportionality ~ photon

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Sunday, July 14, 2019

The law of inverse proportionality

The law of inverse proportionality

expresses the law of inverse proportionality between variables x and y. Variable y decreases by as many times as x increases. For m > 0, x and y have the same sign, i.e. the graph is located in the first and third quadrants of the coordinate axes; similarly, the graph is in the second and fourth quadrants, for m < 0. As x approaches zero, the absolute value of the fraction m/x becomes very large. Conversely, for large absolute values of x} the ratio mix becomes small in absolute value.

Plotting the inverse proportionality

Plotting this curve directly gives us Fig. 20, which shows curves (11) for various m, the full-line curves corresponding to m > 0, and the broken curves to m < 0, the corresponding value of m being noted against each curve. We see that each of the curves drawn, called rectangular hyperbolas, has infinite branches, the points on a given branch approaching the coordinate axis X or Y with indefinite increase of the abscissa x or the ordinate y, respectively. These lines are called asymptotes to the hyperbola.
The coefficient m in equation (11) is completely defined if any point M0 (X0,Y0)  of the curve in question is given, since now:
equation (11) can now be written:

We draw new lines parallel to the axes through each pair of points of intersection lying on a given line of the pencil; the points of intersection of these new lines are then points of the rectangular hyperbola (Fig.21). This follows from the similarity of triangles 0RQ1 and 0SP1:Hence follows a graphical method for obtaining any required number of points of a rectangular hyperbola, given its asymptotes and any one point of it M0 (X0,Y0). Taking the asymptotes as coordinate axes, we draw an arbitrary pencil of lines  0P1,0P2  , . . . from the origin, and mark off the points of intersection of these lines with the lines y =y0 and x = x0.
i.e. the point M0 (X0,Y0) lies on the curve (12).

the source:
By: Fady tarek


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